Dimecres, Febrer 08, 2006

Per si heu d'explicar la situació de la llengua catalana als nostres veïns europeus

8 Feb 2006

Bé, m'he trobat en el fòrum del Racó Català un post sobre la informació que dòna sobre la siutació de la llengua catalana a Mallorca un portal d'un tour operador illenc, adreçada als visitants estrangers.

Aquest és l'enllaç al post en qüestió: http://www.racocatala.com/forum/llegir.php?idf=5&fil=1226

I aquest l'enllaç a la pàgina que en fa el portal mallorquí : http://www.majorcanvillas.com/history-of-majorca.asp

Com a reacció immediata, m'he posat a escriure un escrit sobre la salud de la Llengua Catalana adreçada a membres d'un fòrum europeu, es clar, en anglès una mica macarrònic... Per si us és útil de cara a fer campanya arreu d'europa sobre la situació del català, aquí us afegeixo el text que he redactat:

Catalan language health

Well, this is the first post about Catalan language health. I remember you that Catalan is the own language in Catalonia, Balearic Islands, the great part of Valencian Country, a little part in Aragon (la Franja), North-Catalonia (the Frech province of Pyrinees Orientales), l'Alguer (Italian city of Alghero, in Sardinia), and the unique country where officialy Catalan has all their rights recognize, Andorra.

These territories with Catalan as own language have about 10 million of inhabitants, and 7 of them speaks normally Catalan. Including Andorrans inhabitants, all Catalan speakers speak other languages, Spanish in Spain, French in France, Italian in Italy, and Spanish and/or French in Andorra. Untill 10 millions, there are 3 million of people living in territories where Catalan is the own tongue who don't speak the language of the territory (Catalan). Don't forget that if we include Valencian territories where the own tongue is Spanish, the amount of inhabitants in these territoris is over 11 million of inhabitants. They only speak Spanish (in Spain) or French (in France). From the seven million of speaker of Catalan (all bilingual speakers, at least, Catalan and Spanish or Catalan and French) not all those speakers have Catalan as mother tongue, as well as their families came from other regions from Spain or France.

Now some Spanish Fanatic Nacionalists want to kill the actual school system in Catalonia, a bilingual system where the Regional Goverment give to the Catalan the priority, but where the pupils learn Spanish too... Spanish Fanatic Nacionalist want to segregate children from Spanish inmigrant families from children from Catalan and Catalan-Spanish families. And they forget that now in Catalan territories there are a lot of new incomers, who don't have Catalan or Spanish as own language, and who first learn Spanish.

All National TV channels are in Spanish, only the Spanish public channel give some hours for Catalan programs. Catalan National TV broadcasts especially in Catalan, but Valencian and Balearic National TV's mix Catalan/Valencian and Spanish tongues in programms. The most read newspapers are in Spanish, some local newspapers publish in Catalan, some in Catalan and Spanish, and some, especially in Valencia and Balearic Islands, in Spanish...

What's the problem with Catalan language. Catalan people pay their taxes as all other Spaniards. Why Catalan is a second class language, and Spanish a first class language? Can Swiss goverment force inhabitants in Geneve to speak German, and in Zurich people speak French? Can Belgian government force people in Anterpew to speak Frech and people in Liège to speak Dutch?

Well, this is a question that Spain, French and EU must to solve... without making an attempt against Catalan citizens.

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emmmmm [Respon]

dish! vaia lloc he escrit tota aquella parrafada! me equivocat de lloc em sembla a mi...em pensava que era de la generalitat!! si trobeu una cosa de uns veins...es meva...pro em sembla que ia l'heu borrat1perque no surt escrita per enlloc!... adeu!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment by laia (02/21/2007 16:05)


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