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Diferencias entre fechas con PHP

ctg | 16 Febrero, 2007 00:08

Clase simple, en PHP, para calcular diferencias entre fechas.

// Class for get the differences in seconds, min, hours, days and weeks between two dates
// Notes: If you only need the difference in days, assure that seconds, min and hours are 0
class TimeSpan
     var $diff_seconds;
     var $diff_minutes;
     var $diff_hours;
     var $diff_days;
     var $diff_weeks;
     // Date format: YYYYMMDDHHmmSS
     function TimeSpan($date1, $date2)
          // Transform to Unix timestamp
          $epoch_1 = mktime( substr($date1,8,2), substr($date1,10, 2), substr($date1,12, 2), substr($date1,4, 2), substr($date1,6, 2), substr($date1,0, 4) );
          $epoch_2 = mktime( substr($date2,8,2), substr($date2,10, 2), substr($date2,12, 2), substr($date2,4, 2), substr($date2,6, 2), substr($date2,0, 4) );
          $this->diff_seconds = $epoch_1 - $epoch_2;
          $this->diff_minutes = floor($this->diff_seconds/60);
          $this->diff_hours   = floor($this->diff_seconds/3600);
          $this->diff_days     = floor($this->diff_seconds/(3600*24));
          $this->diff_weeks   = floor($this->diff_seconds/(3600*24*7));

     // Gets the seconds
     function getDiffSeconds()
          return $this->diff_seconds;
     // Gets the minutes
     function getDiffMinutes()
          return $this->diff_minutes;
     // Gets the hours
     function getDiffHours()
          return $this->diff_hours;
     // Gets the days
     function getDiffDays()
          return $this->diff_days;
     // Gets the weeks
     function getDiffWeeks()
          return $this->diff_weeks;


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